Optigrün international AG

Am Birkenstock 15-19
72505 Krauchenwies-Göggingen

Optigrün – We are THE green roofs

Green roofs from the market leader

Optigrün is the leading provider of green roofs in Europe. Through our innovative product and system solutions, we contribute to making cities greener and more livable. Climate change and urbanization are a part of our future. Optigrün seizes this as an opportunity and offers sustainable benefits for people and nature through its wide range of products.

For over 50 years

We, the Optigrün family, have over 50 years of experience and know-how in the green roof industry. Optigrün's success is based on the ability to think outside the box, believe in the future and be one step ahead. The market has grown and with it Optigrün.

Planning routine

We attach particular importance to providing holistic and supportive advice to architects, planners and specialist companies. In addition, we are already available in the early phase of a project with regard to technical questions relating to roof and building greening as well as economic efficiency. Through individual support, we plan each property according to the latest state of the art and against the background of the applicable standards and guidelines. This also includes the preparation of specifications for tenders and award procedures with the necessary calculations for wind suction, drift safety, flood proof and determination of the water balance.


The partner system consists of 125 qualified gardening and landscaping companies trained by us who specialise in the installation and maintenance of green buildings. Our partners are the basis for a sustainable and solid execution and maintenance of green roofs. In addition, we maintain long-standing relationships with other landscaping companies and the building materials trade.

Thinking about tomorrow today***

Source: Optigrün international AG

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