Liebigstr. 14
40764 Langenfeld im Rheinland
HALFEN, headquartered in Langenfeld, Germany, is one of the leading international companies in the fields of
• Anchoring technology
• Reinforcement technology
• Façade fastening technology
• Transport anchor systems
• Tension rod systems
We offer our customers more than 20,000 products and related technical solutions for construction and industrial applications. Architects and engineers plan with our products and our technical software. Construction companies, precast concrete plants and dealers use our wide range of products for commercial and residential construction, civil engineering and transport and infrastructure construction. Industrial customers take up our technical solutions for applications in mechanical engineering, vehicle and plant engineering, in the chemical industry, energy generation and for other industrial applications.
In doing so, we trust in the power of the brand: with HALFEN, DEHA, FRIMEDA and DEMU, we have a brand authority that is an international leader.
The foundation of our success is long-term partnerships with our customers and suppliers worldwide. More than 1,100 HALFEN employees are united by the common aspiration to generate added value through outstanding performance with a strong focus on quality, customer service and innovation. We are an ethically responsible, environmentally sensitive organization that goes beyond the building environment to develop the community associated with it.
Since the company was founded in 1929, it has been our goal to offer solutions tailored to the customer with the highest standards of quality, safety and technology. In order to be able to respond promptly to customer needs, HALFEN relies on proximity to the customer. With a direct presence through our own organizations or indirectly through agencies, we are successful in more than 60 countries worldwide.
Since 2006, HALFEN has been a company of CRH plc Ireland, a regional, national and international market leader in building materials. With the aim of developing, producing and distributing products and technical solutions worldwide, we continue our strategy of opening up markets and being one step closer to our customers all over the world.
HALFEN is a trademark of ☛ Leviat
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