Badstraße 23
6832 Röthis
RÖFIX as a complete range supplier
RÖFIX AG is an internationally oriented company headquartered in Vorarlberg, Austria. Founded in 1888, we are now active as a complete product range provider for processors, architects, builders, building material dealers and end customers in the construction industry.
Whether classic plaster systems, innovative insulation solutions, renovation and renovation products, concrete, screeds or modern paints – for energy-efficient new construction or sophisticated renovation – we offer the right solution with a wide range of high-performance products and tested systems.
With over 130 years of experience and our own research and competence center, we focus specifically on innovation and quality. Today, as a full-range supplier, we offer system products that meet the highest technical, ecological and economic standards. Because only with forward-looking and marketable solutions will we inspire you, our customers and partners in the long term.
In Austria, RÖFIX is represented by 8 locations. The Austrian headquarters are located in Röthis in Vorarlberg. Other production and/or sales locations are Villach (Ktn), Kalsdorf (Styria), Wiener Neudorf (Lower Austria), Molln and Hörsching (Upper Austria) as well as Zirl and Oberndorf (T).
Source: RÖFIX AG
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