Frauenstraße 35
82216 Maisach
Understanding has a long tradition with us. Listen carefully, think your way into the world of our customers, learn to understand all aspects and think ahead. It is this passion not to be satisfied with the first solution that comes along, but to continue tinkering until a real plus for our customers has been created. This was the only way to turn a small carpentry shop into a globally active formwork company, which has been known under the Doka brand since 1956.
Few people associate the Doka brand with a family history of over 150 years. Our customers worldwide benefit from the values that have grown out of this: reliability, experience and handshake quality. Especially in global competition, they form a foundation that forms the basis for the development and sale of high-quality formwork solutions. From initial planning to reliable implementation on the construction site: We help our customers to build even more efficiently, better and safer. Take our word for it.
Only those who know the local needs, the peculiarities and the construction methods in the country of their customers can understand the requirements for a project. As a result, we have established over 160 sales and logistics locations in more than 70 countries. This means that our customers can always be sure to receive full support for their projects quickly. Be it for a simple residential building, a football stadium, a bridge or the highest tower in the world. This is our global strength, which Doka customers can build on locally.
In the tough everyday life of the construction site, three things count above all: cost-effectiveness, safety and handling – only those who understand exactly what is happening on the construction site understand how to manufacture better, coordinated products and constantly develop them further. We do this on the basis of our experts on the construction sites and a team of 1,000 engineers. Cost-effectiveness is based on intelligent products.
#schalung #wandschalung #traggerüstsysteme #deckenschalung #kletterschalung #arbeitsgerüste