Flumroc AG

Industriestraße 8
8890 Flums

What makes us special.

Careful production of rock wool. Flumroc rock wool products are mainly made from Swiss stones (90% from Felsberg and Zernez) and a small amount of binders (0.7 to 3.5 percent by weight) in Flums. Waste from construction sites and demolition as well as all process-related internal waste are recycled one hundred percent.

Far-sighted innovations and continuous improvements.
The proximity to the market and the close cooperation between development, application technology and operations are bearing fruit. In recent years, various very interesting innovation projects have been successfully completed. To name just three examples:

-improving the thermal conductivity of numerous products;

-the improvement of key ecological aspects (embodied energy, greenhouse gas emissions, environmental impact points);

-the introduction of products with a natural binder, without the addition of formaldehyde.

Broad, growing expertise.
Rock wool products have three central functions: thermal insulation, fire protection and sound insulation. Anyone who wants to act competently in this area of tension must be sure of himself. Our sales consultants have developed their construction expertise from scratch and are continuously educating themselves: They study developments, standards, building guidelines, regulations and application techniques – and they reflect on their dealings with customers.

We live rock wool.
The expertise, experience and commitment of our specialists form the basis for the outstanding quality of our products – and also for various sophisticated features (e.g. wool structure, fibre orientation, mechanical strength or fire resistance). The compactness of our organization and the opportunity to test ideas on site in an uncomplicated way help us to be as consistent and as successful as we are.

Source: Flumroc AG

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Products (2)