Ehrenbachstraße 1
79780 Stühlingen

Successful companies sell successful products – but long-term success is not only caused by good products. Reliability and tradition, innovative strength and sustainable production, satisfied customers and motivated employees also count. With this in mind, Sto has been producing and developing products for construction since its foundation in 1955.

Vision Technology leader for the humane and sustainable design of built living spaces. Worldwide.

Mission The preservation of value and aesthetic effect of buildings is a constant challenge. In close cooperation with our market partners, Sto develops innovative, functional products and systems for the design of components and component surfaces in outdoor and indoor areas. In doing so, we advise our customers on all technical and design issues.

Our mission: Build consciously. Products and systems meet the demand for energy efficiency; Prevention technologies reconcile ecology and economy – all in the spirit of sustainable construction and repair.

Source: Sto

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Products (6)