Knauf MP75 L

Knauf Gips KG


Machine plaster plaster MP 75 L is a light and particularly economical pre-mixed gypsum plaster dry mortar with special lightweight aggregates for smoothed surfaces in interior areas.

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MP 75 L is ideal for aerated concrete, sand-lime bricks, pumice, concrete blocks, mixed masonry or porous wall building blocks, because it largely meets the specific properties in terms of absorbency and texture of the substrates.

For difficult plaster substrates such as concrete, adhesive bridges such as Knauf Beto Contact or Knauf Spray Contact are used, and for highly absorbent substrates, Knauf burn-on barrier are used. Can be used in all rooms with common humidity including domestic damp rooms such as kitchens and bathrooms.

Technical Information

  • Reaction to fire Class A1
  • Flexural tensile strength ≥ 1.0 N/mm²
  • Compressive strength ≥ 2.0 N/mm²
  • Surface hardness ≥ 6.0 N/mm²
  • Water vapour diffusion resistance coefficient μ Dry: 10, Moist: 6
  • Thermal conductivity λ 0.34 W/(m∙K)
  • Adhesive tensile strength ≥ 0.1N/mm²
  • pH value 10 - 12
  • Dry bulk density approx. 950 kg/m3


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