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• Moisture-regulating compartment insulation material, for a permanently safe construction with WLS 040.
• Due to the excellent clamping effect, it is ideal for laying between rafters, wooden studs and squared timber.
• Best settlement reliability due to high bulk density with very good sound and summer heat protection.
Storage, transport & shelf life
Store in a dry place and protected from damage. Only use when dry. Pallets must not be stacked.
Technical Information
Nominal value of thermal conductivity (EN 13171) λD [W/(mK)] 0.038
Design value of thermal conductivity λ [W/(mK)] 0.040
Spec. Heat capacity c [J/(kgK)] 2100
Vapour diffusion resistance coefficient μ 2
Fire behaviour (EN 13501–1) E
Waste code according to AVV 030105; 170201
Designation code WF–EN 13171–T3–TR1–AFr 5
Application abbreviations (DIN 4108–10) DZ, DI-zk, WH, WI-zk, WTR