Gottlieb-Daimler-Straße 10
71729 Erdmannhausen
Engineering and craftsmanship
You might think that everything has already been invented in the field of doors. After all, they only have to fulfill the same functions forever: opening and closing passageways to protect buildings, rooms, objects and people from different influences or dangers. Then we could rest on our laurels, our products and our services. But exactly what sometimes makes such a familiar and inconspicuous impression is based on our insatiable curiosity and continuous examination of the topic of doors. We explore trends and take up changing legal requirements in order to construct future-oriented solutions ready for series production. We master particularly demanding tasks, which are often only required in a very special context, with extraordinary special or one-off productions. Our conviction, our will and our ambition is to constantly question the familiar and to use these insights to create doors that are simply always better. The results are always surprising combinations of intelligent and precise engineering and passionate craftsmanship. Real highlights in this field.
Source: neuform-Türenwerk Hans Glock GmbH & Co. KG
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