Swegon Germany GmbH

Carl-von-Linde-Straße 25
85748 Garching

We're here to help you from start to finish

Real estate projects are inherently complex, not least because the work of different trades must be coordinated over a long period of time. Every company specializes in its field, so it can happen that misunderstandings occur and thus lead to problems.

At Swegon, we accompany you in all phases of the construction project. Therefore, we can understand what phase you are currently in and what challenges you are facing. We try to put ourselves in your situation and support you in your work. We all benefit from this.

#lüftung #klimatechnik #klimatisierung #innenraumgeräte #optimierungssysteme #bautrockner #befeuchter #entfeuchter #kühler

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