Steko Holz-Bausysteme AG

Splügenstraße 9
9008 St. Gallen

The Steko timber construction system is based on a few basic elements, which can be put together quickly and easily. The core piece is the handy basic module weighing approx. 6.5 kg with a length of 640 mm and a height of 320 or 240 mm. The width of all components is 160 mm. In addition to the 4-part module, there are 3-, 2- and 1-part modules.

A threshold is used as the lower end, and a tie-in with a height of 8 cm each as the upper end. With the soffit boards, the system is complete. With these few parts, all load-bearing or non-load-bearing interior and exterior walls of a house can be built.

The horizontal grid is set at 16 cm and the vertical grid at 8 cm. Intermediate steps are also possible. This enables efficient planning with almost unlimited design freedom.

Source: Steko

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