Frankfurter Str. 2
38122 Braunschweig

We think of architecture from the point of view of people. And we think of them holistically.

This is the only way to grasp construction tasks in all their complexity – and to come up with architecturally convincing solutions.

The aim is to build truly efficient, sustainable buildings – in other words, to include ecological, economic and socio-cultural aspects in architectural thinking and action. We rethink every building task and answer every architectural question specifically. The following applies: Location, context and purpose are essential.

We design buildings on two levels: In terms of urban planning, we intelligently integrate buildings into a grown urban landscape. Architecturally, we design individual houses that combine technical and aesthetic aspects into a coherent solution.

We are large and international enough to handle demanding projects. And agile enough to be fast and efficient. We live, design and construct today. With great respect for architectural traditions. And with a keen sense of the future.

Source: KSP Engel GmbH
