Unter Krahnenbäumen 75
50668 Köln
For us, built architecture is always a whole of relationships. The harmony and harmony (or the rational structure) of all elements ideally form a unity that can only be understood as a whole.
Urbanity is the aesthetic image of social life. Kant praised the visual arts for promoting the "urbanity of the visual powers of cognition" (the play of intellect and imagination) and thus contributing to the refinement of life forms. The creation of urban spaces thus becomes a design-aesthetic task that must express the rationality of collective interests and individual needs.
We see our work as a constant research – research into contemporary solution concepts in economic, functional, constructive and artistic terms. Because creative design always means reflecting on the past as a development into the future.
The place
Our office takes the approach of developing solutions derived from the "genius loci" and adapted to a planning and construction task. Each planning is individually tailored and deals with the specific requirements of the individual project and the wishes of the building owners. The primary goal is the development of sustainable solutions that also take into account the requirements of ecology and resource conservation.
Source: hecker monkenbusch wieacker | Werkgruppe für Architektur und Urbanismus