weber.pas 434 / maxit mosaic coloured stone plaster

Saint-Gobain Weber GmbH


plaster dyed through. Ready-to-use natural stone plaster for the production of a decorative and highly resistant wall coating.

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Product details:

Grain sizes: 2 mm

Colours: 16 colour mixtures (see page 624)

Application thickness: 3 mm to 4.5 mm

Storage: If stored in a dry, frost-free environment, the material can be stored for up to 1 year.


weber.pas 434 is a natural stone plaster for exterior and interior on weber.dur plaster and as a top coat for weber.therm thermal insulation composite systems in the base area.

Technical properties

Product properties

  • are highly water-repellent,
  • are mechanically highly resilient
  • ,
  • have very good adhesion to all substrates
  • , are highly elastic
  • ,
  • solvent-free


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