fermacell® gypsum fibre screed elements

James Hardie Europe GmbH


fermacell® gypsum fibre screed elements consist of two 10 mm or 12.5 mm thick fermacell® gypsum fibre panels glued together, which are offset from each other to create a 50 mm wide stepped seam. The dimensions of the elements are 1500 x 500 mm (with 0.75 m² of cover area). The dimensions of the elements are 1500 x 500 mm (with 0.75 m² of cover area).

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Gypsum fibre screed elements are suitable for many tasks:

  • Fire protection
  • Sound insulation (airborne/impact sound)
  • Thermal insulation
  • Underfloor heating systems
  • Floor walkings

In addition to these designs and depending on your requirement profile, you can use fermacell® Screed elements. The laying is carried out floating, in a "dragging formation".


The gypsum fibre screed elements can be walked on immediately after the adhesive has hardened, so that follow-up work – such as the laying of floors – can begin quickly.

Chair castor strength:

For the use of foot coverings suitable for chair castors, screed elements can be used for all fermacell® gypsum fibre elements (tested in accordance with DIN EN 425, note the area of application).

Product Data Sheet Screed Element 2 E 11 (2 E 22)

Product Data Sheet Screed Element 2 E 13 (2 E 14)

Product Data Sheet Screed Element 2 E 31 (2 E 33)

Product Data Sheet Screed Element 2 E <a href="https://www.fermacell.de/fermacellapi/downloads/file/de-DE/0690J000004BvmOQAS" target="_blank">32 (2 E 34)

Product Data Sheet Screed Element 2 E 35

Planning and Processing

Eco Certificate

Environmental Product Declaration

Technical Information


  • Bulk density 1150 ± 50 kg/m³
  • Water vapour diffusion resistance coefficient μ = 13
  • Thermal conductivity λ = 0.32 W/mK
  • Specific heat capacity c = 1.1 kJ/kgK
  • Brinell hardness 30 N/mm²
  • Thickness swelling after 24 hours of water storage < 2%
  • Thermal expansion coefficient 0.001 %/K
  • Elongation/shrinkage when the relative humidity changes by 30% (20°C) 0.25 mm/m
  • Equilibrium humidity at 65% relative humidity and 20°C air temperature 1.3%
  • PH value 7-8


Used in Projects