SitaTurbo parapet gully

Sita Bauelemente GmbH


The SitaTurbo is something very special. Installed in the roof surface, this robust and extremely flat roof gully drains water through the parapet to the outside.

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The low weakening of the thermal insulation and the external piping system minimise thermal bridges. While the basic Turbo scores points in the piped drainage system, the SitaTurbo Max shines in speier use with its streamlined round inlet.

For main and emergency drainage in accordance with DIN EN 12056-3 and DIN 1986-100 for used and unused, flat and gently sloping roof surfaces.


  • Insensitive to weather conditions (UV/IR radiation, precipitation, temperature, ozone, etc.)
  • Shock and impact resistant
  • Durable
  • Increased drainage capacity

Technical Information

  • Connection type: Screw flange construction
  • Design: angled
  • Temperature resistance min.: –20 °C
  • Building material class: A1 non-combustible
  • Material:  stainless steel, stainless
  • Discharge rate as spare: 5.0 l/s 


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