Green Code Acoustic Ceiling

MEIER Betonwerke GmbH


The Green Code acoustic ceiling with integrated acoustic elements:

Reapor acoustic absorber

The material Reapor, which we use in our acoustic ceilings, was developed together with the Fraunhofer Institute. Reapor is expanded glass granulate made from 100% waste glass, which is sintered into blocks in a patented process. The highly effective absorber strips are purely mineral, fibre-free and non-flammable. Sound waves that hit Reapor bodies in the ceiling are largely absorbed. This means that the sound is constantly reduced in the expanded glass areas. Depending on the room concept, the ratio of absorption to reflection can be controlled.

The acoustic ceiling is also available as a climate ceiling with acoustic absorbers!

[...] the installation of Reapor absorbers [can] significantly improve the room acoustics. Of course, the acoustic version of your ceiling can also take over the heating and cooling ceiling function. In this 3-fold function heating, cooling and acoustics, we speak of a climate ceiling with acoustic absorbers. This combination of all three properties, already carried out in the shell without the usual suspended ceiling systems, is unique!

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More Over

  • Optimised acoustics for every room concept
  • Sound absorber made of Reapor fully integrated into the ceiling 
  • Reapor is expanded glass granulate made of 100% recycled glass – mineral, fibre-free, harmless to building biology
  • 20% of the area occupancy achieves 70 – 100% of the desired absorption values, depending on use
  • No significant impairment of the cooling and heating function in the ceiling
  • Ceiling soffit: Covered with Green Code system filler, the bodies are invisible

Technical Information

  • Non-flammable A1
  • Absorption coefficient αw = 0.35 Class D
  • Maximum absorption at 500 Hz is 0.5


Used in Projects