EJOT system solution for a profile wall with cassette construction

EJOT SE & Co. KG - Market Unit Construction


The cassette is mounted directly on steel supports. The outer shell is attached to the cassette webs and serves not only as weather protection, but also as a bracing of the cassettes. The cassette wall is positively characterized by noise and fire protection. The thermal insulation properties of a cassette wall are disadvantageous compared to other construction methods.


1: Self-drilling screw JT2-6-5,5x25-V16

2: Self-drilling screw JT2-12-5,5x40-V16

3: Self-drilling screw JT2-18-5.5x40-V16

4: Setting bolt HSBR 14

5: Self-drilling screw JT2-6-5,5x25-V16

6: Self-drilling screw JF3-Plus-6.8xL-E16

7: Self-drilling screw JF2-2H-4,8x19

8: Self-drilling screw JT2-3-4,8x19

9: Self-drilling screw JT3-2H-Plus-5,5xL-E16

10: Self-drilling screw JT3-2H-40-6,0/6,0x64-E16

11: Self-drilling screw JT3-2H-80-6,0/6,0x64-E16

12: Self-drilling screw JT3-FR-2H-Plus-5,5xL-E11


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> Heated buildings

> buildings with high noise levels

> Buildings with higher fire protection requirements

> Buildings with process heat



The fasteners may be mounted at a maximum distance of 75 mm from the cassette web. The connecting element in the middle of the cassette is not used for power transmission, but only has a constructive character. The closer the longitudinal seam screws are positioned to the lower chord, the more effectively condensation problems can be prevented in advance. The bar beads are not a positioning aid for the longitudinal seam screwing of cassettes. The approval of fasteners for cassette wall constructions takes into account a connection in which component II consists of two profiled sheets lying on top of each other. This improves the load-bearing capacity.

Link to the manufacturer

 ☛ Website EJOT
