Rochlitz porphyry tuff

Vereinigte Porphyrbrüche auf dem Rochlitzer Berge GmbH


Rochlitz Porphyry is a tuff that has piled up 80m thick in cooled lava on the Rochlitzer Berg, a volcano that was active in ancient times.

Its siliceous-clayey base mass is small-grained, porous and contains numerous roundish quartz, as well as kaolic feldspars. Scattered sprinkles of dark magnesia, bluish lipilli and porphyry balls give the stone a unique color and texture.

The mostly brick-red to yellow bands are also characteristic. They are permeated with brownish to white veins, which are filled partly with chert and partly with quartz. Its bright red hue is dominant and enduring, which it retains equally at all stages of processing and after many years.

Website United Porphyry Quarries

Surface Treatment:

Image: Rochlitzer Porphyry

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Trade name:

Rochlitz Porphyry / Rochlitz Porphyry Tufa / Rochlitz MarblePetrograhic Designation:Rhyolite TuffGeological Formation:Rotliegende

Area of Application:

Main Area of Application: Historically Significant Building and Sculpting Material

Technical Information


Bulk density:2.06 kg/dm3

Compressive strength:56.3 MPa

Bending tensile strength:8.5 MPa

Modulus of elasticity:167000 kp/cm2

Abrasion resistance:5.2 cm3/50 cm2

Water absorption:10.8 Mass %

Frost resistance:resistant

Aggressive influences:resistant

Polish:not possible (max. fine grinding)  


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