LIGNOTREND Larch Wood Baffle LIGNO Acoustic Sport 3G-33

Lignotrend Produktions GmbH


The real wood acoustic elements LIGNO Akustik light (basic version) are used for acoustically effective cladding in residential and commercial construction, e.g. as

  • suspended ceilings – e.g. under wooden or concrete structures.
  • Wall cladding – also in front of masonry or concrete
  • acoustic sails – with edge profiles and luminaires as acoustic sails hanging freely in the room.
  • Grid ceiling – as cut panels for insertion into standard system ceilings.

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The strip-shaped cross-laminated timber elements consist of three layers: On the visible side, the slitting of the first layer creates a strip look, and the cladding is ball-proof if installed appropriately. The middle layer (transverse layer) is oriented at right angles to the top layer and thus ensures high dimensional stability. The rear layer is formed by at least four stripes running longitudinally. Acoustic absorbers are integrated in the transverse position. Thanks to the recessed absorber material, the panel is easy to renovate, as the absorption effect is not lost during painting or sanding. By structuring the surface, an additionally acoustically advantageous diffuse sound scattering is promoted.

Application W3: Baffle wall, acoustically effective

For this application, the optimised element type LIGNO Akustik Sport is available with various variants for a force-relieving substructure. Installation with horizontal joint pattern.

Technical Information

  • Cover width: 625 mm
  • Wood species: Spruce / fir (wood moisture: 9 ± 2%)
  • Bonding: PUR glue (formaldehyde-free), mass content glue approx. 1.1 % (three-layer)
  • Building material class (DIN 4102): B2 / Special design in fire classes C-s2,d0 to B-s2,d0 according to EN possible.
  • Use in usage classes 1 and 2 (wood moisture <20%). Installation locations: Closed and heated structures on all sides, but also covered, open structures if the elements are not exposed to the weather. 9)
  • Cross-laminated timber structure: natureplus® certificate no. 0211-0606-014-1, standard absorber made of soft wood fibre: natureplus® certificate no. 0104-0710-012-4
