LORO-X Staggered Floor Drainage

LOROWERK K. H. Vahlbrauk GmbH & Co. KG


In addition to the well-known LORO-X outdoor drainage systems as balcony drainageflat roof drainage and attic drainage , LORO now also offers staggered floor drainage at. The staggered floor drainage system LORO-X QUATTROFLUX is a roof drainage system for buildings with staggered storeys, which meets special requirements as a standard or object-related measure.

By means of the LORO-X staggered floor drainage, the complete drainage of the roof and roof terrace can be implemented as a holistic solution for roof drainage technology for outdoor seating.

Product Finder Staggered Floor Drainage

LORO Application Technology ABC

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Buildings with staggered storeys often have to meet the highest architectural aesthetic standards, especially in the design of the façade, if the drainage is carried out as an attic drainage system on the outside. The attic drainage of the staggered floor drainage should be as visually inconspicuous as possible on the façade of the main elevation of the building.

With the LORO-X staggered floor drainage, the roof and roof terrace are "certainly optimally drained" architecturally and in terms of roof drainage.


Conventional staggered floor drainage requires 4 pipes on the façade for roof and roof terrace drainage with main drainage and emergency drainage. The complete drainage of the roof and roof terrace traditionally requires numerous visible pipes on the façade, which is often architecturally undesirable.


instead of up to 4 visible pipes in the main view for roof and roof terrace drainage with main drainage and emergency drainage, there is only one visible pipe.
