Schüco AWS 75 PD.SI

Schüco International KG


In addition to energy efficiency, the fusion of form and function is now a basic prerequisite for the realisation of modern building envelopes. With the Schüco AWS 75 PD.SI (Panorama Design Super Insulated) window system, Schüco is for the first time offering an opening element that perfectly meets these architectural requirements: with minimised internal and external face widths and excellent thermal insulation.  

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The basis for this is perfectly coordinated system properties: flush-mounted inner sash profile appearance and minimised sealing views, maximum transparency thanks to the narrowest outer and inner face widths as well as harmonised face widths in fixed field and opening element for a uniform frame pattern. Invisible drainage and the clear design language through narrow profile radii round off the groundbreaking design window system.

Perfectly coordinated architectural solutions include, for example, the integration of the highly thermally insulated opening element into the Schüco FWS 35 PD façade system and the combination with the narrow opaque Schüco AWS 75 PD VV.SI (Ventilation Vent Super Insulated) ventilation sash.

Processing advantages:

  • Extensive tool and machine portfolio to support bonding processes
  • Simple and reliable bonding without waiting times, thanks to adhesive tape, as well as simple and economical glass bonding based on commercially available insulating glazing with hemmed edge processing (KGS), in accordance with ift guideline VE 08/4 (assessment basis for bonded glazing systems)
  • Efficient processing through functional integration, e.g. corner piece with integrated drainage
  • Maximum use of common parts within the system and within the framework of the Schüco AWS modular system
  • Cost-effective Schüco SimplySmart processing processes

Technical Information

  • Uf value frame ≥1.7 W/(m²· K)
  • Glass/panel thickness max.50 mm
  • Sound insulation RwP max.46 dB(A)
  • Air permeability Class 4
  • Wind load resistanceClass C5/B5
  • Glass structure 3-fold glass


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