GUTMANN GWD 080 (door series)

GUTMANN Bausysteme GmbH


The flush-mounted door series impresses with its functional, design and processing properties. The installation depth of 80 mm allows the use of filling thicknesses of up to 60 mm. Slim profile views and combinations are adapted to the static requirements in terms of maximum sizes and sash weights. Version as single- or double-leaf doors with barrier-free threshold solution. As with the GWD 080 window series, great importance was attached to the modular system design of the door series.

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A standard door system with a simple design and maximum necessary accessories is available as a thermally insulated variant to meet general requirements for thermal insulation with an insulation value of Uf = 2.5 W/m2K.


For highly thermally insulated requirements, the standard door system can be equipped with a few accessories to the premium door series with the peak value of Uf = 1.8 W/m2K.


Other features:
  • Same frame profile for doors that open inwards and outwards.
  • Same top and roller door hinges for inward and outward opening doors in aluminium and stainless steel.
  • Door leaf with sash covering infill as an option.
  • Doors 1- and 2-leaf (panic function as an option) with side panel and skylight.
  • Extensive door hardware range in cooperation with esco Metallbausysteme GmbH.

Technical Information

  • Driving rain tightness E900
  • Air permeability 4
  • Wind load C4 / B4
  • Operating forces 2

Representation of the highly thermally insulated version

  • Thermal insulation Uf (medium) 1.8

UD 3-fold1 1.1

1 Element size: 1,230 mm x 2,180 mm | Ug value: 0.6 W/m2K | Glass spacers: Swisspacer Ultimate

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