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Steigerwald quartzite is particularly valued because of its characteristic colour and texture, but above all because of its proven, frost-proof quality and its attractive appearance. The good physical and technical properties, in particular the high abrasion resistance, allow it to be used both in façade construction and as a floor or stair covering.
The quarry of the Steigerwald quartzite has been mined for centuries.
The regional Steigerwald quartzite is a particularly sustainable building material.
Technical Information
Mineral composition
Quartz (65%), rock fragments (14%), alkali feldspar (12%), plagioclase (7%) and accessory (2%)
Visual appearance
Light grey to slightly grey-brownish, fine to medium sandy sandstone, with uniform to alternating sandy structure and layered texture. Some with green inclusions.
Petrographic address
Light feldspar-bearing sandstone with rock fragments and siliceous grain binding.
Detail colours
quartz: translucent light grey, feldspar: white-pink, flesh-coloured, accessory: grey-black