Bamberger Natursteinwerk Hermann Graser GmbH


Beige-brown, medium-sandy sandstone from the formation of the Middle Bunter Sandstone (Solling Sequence) near Trebgast, Kulmbach / Upper Franconia.

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The Trebgast red sandstone is valued for design with natural stone due to its characteristic colour, texture and appearance. Particularly noteworthy is the great integrity potential and the harmonious compatibility with numerous existing buildings in many old town centres that characterise the cityscape. Numerous historical objects bear witness to this.

The quarry of the Trebgast red sandstone has been mined for several centuries.

Trebgast red sandstone is particularly suitable for use in façade construction as masonry or for solid components made of natural stone.

The regional Trebgast red sandstone is a particularly sustainable building material.

Technical Information

Mineral composition

Quartz (81%), feldspar (10%), rock fragments (8%) and accessory (1%)

Visual appearance

Predominantly light, brownish-grey sandstone, medium sandy structure, coarsely pored homogeneous, with oblique stratification texture due to alternation of finer to coarser medium sand. Partly ochre-brown inclusions.

Petrographic address

: Yellow quartz sandstone with rock fragments and siliceous bond.

Detail colours

quartz: pale brown to beige brown, binder: pale brown, accessories: brown-black
