ZinCo Extensive Green Roof STONE ROSE CORRIDOR

ZinCo GmbH


Extensive green roofs with "Steinrosenflur" – the species-rich variant with design freedom

With the "Steinrosenflur" plant community, extensive green roofing with an individual character can be realised in terms of design.

The drought-tolerant perennials of the plant community repeatedly form flower accents on the green roof from spring to autumn. As many different species as possible ensure a long flowering period. Sedum species and other perennials serve as underplanting and thus primarily for area coverage. The colour spectrum is significantly expanded compared to the pure "sedum carpet".

The "Steinrosenflur" plant community is realised by planting special flat bale plants.

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Products (see illustration system graphic):

  1. Plant level "Steinrosenflur"
  2. System soil "Steinrosenflur"
  3. System filter SF
  4. Floradrain® FD 25
  5. Storage protection mat SSM 45
  6. If necessary, additional root protection
  7. Roof structure with roof waterproofing

Extensive green roof – the easy-care green variant to the gravel surface

Extensive green roofs are an ecological alternative to conventional surface protection, such as gravel. They are lightweight and have a low installation height. For extensive green roofs, we use proven plant communities that naturally cope with the site conditions found on roofs, such as sun, wind, drought, etc. An extensive green roof requires little maintenance. One or two maintenance cycles per year are usually sufficient here. This type of green roof is also suitable for sloping roofs.


  • Moss-Sedum to grass-herb greening
  • Low
  • maintenance No
  • additional irrigation required Construction
  • thickness 10–20 cm
  • Weight 60–250 kg/m²

Extensive greening is carried out and operated at a relatively low cost. For example, the layer height is approx. 5–15 cm and the low weight is 60–150 kg/m², which also enables subsequent greening of existing roof surfaces without any problems. Another advantage is the manageable maintenance effort, because the plant communities of sedum, grasses and herbs used get by with natural precipitation. In addition to flat roofs, extensive greening is also suitable for pitched roofs.

Technical Information

Installation height: approx. 10 cm

Weight, water-saturated: approx. 110 kg/m²

Water storage volume: approx. 36 l/m²


Used in Projects