BACHL EPS Impact Sound Insulation Boards EPS 035 DES sg

Karl Bachl GmbH & Co.KG


Impact sound insulation boards made of high-quality, elasticized polystyrene rigid foam in accordance with the requirements for air and impact sound insulation according to DIN 4109. In combination with professionally laid edge strips, excellent sound and heat insulation especially for apartment partition ceilings. live loads up to 4.0 kN/m² (EPS 045 DES sm); 5.0 kN/m² (EPS 040 DES sg) or 10.0 kN/m² (EPS 035 DES sg). In accordance with general building authority approvals: Z-23.15-1409 and Z-23.25-1411

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Product features

  • : Element size: 1,000 x 500 mm
  • Optimal sound insulation
  • Excellent thermal insulation
  • Easy processing
  • Age-resistant
  • Permanently elastic

Din Standard

Insulation materials for impact sound insulation must comply with the requirements of the following standards:

DIN EN 12431: Thermal insulation products for the building industry – Determination of the thickness of insulation materials under floating screed

DIN EN 13162: Thermal insulation materials for buildings – Factory-made mineral wool (MW) productsDIN

EN 13163: Thermal insulation products for buildings – Factory-made expanded polystyrene (EPS) productsDIN

4109: Sound insulation in building construction

Impact sound insulation materials are indicated with the type abbreviation T, for example for use under floating screeds or TK for impact sound insulation materials with low compressibility or with requirements for air and impact sound insulation according to DIN 4109. At the same time, they can be taken into account when calculating thermal insulation. Impact sound insulation materials are determined by the following parameters, which can vary depending on the application:

The compressibility "c" is specified together with the specified delivery thickness "d". Depending on the permissible individual and surface load, impact sound insulation materials must be selected according to the areas of application DES sm or DES sg. The abbreviation DES refers to an interior insulation of the floor slab (on the upper side) under screed with sound insulation requirements. The acoustic properties are shown by sg (low compressibility) and sm (medium compressibility). The dynamic stiffness "s" is recorded in the unit of measurement MN/m³. The lower the dynamic stiffness, the softer the plate and the higher its bounce capacity.

The cushioning capacity of the impact sound insulation material reflects the improvement of the impact sound insulation value "Delta L" and is given in dB.

In order to ensure that sound bridges are minimised, edge strips for sound decoupling must be installed on all adjacent components and rising walls before the insulation layer is installed. These edge strips must allow movement of at least 5 mm and must be installed all the way around without interruption. They extend from the raw ceiling to the finished floor and must be secured against a change in position when the screed is installed. The protruding part of the verge must be cut off before the flooring is laid.

Technical Information

  • Thermal conductivity: 0.035 W/(mK)
  • Bending strength: ≥50
  • Specific heat capacity: 1450 J/(kgK)