swissporXPS 300 SF

swisspor AG


SF = stepped rebate from 30 mm. Versatile thermal insulation board for indoor and outdoor use. Thickness 20mm smooth edges, smooth surface.

Protect from direct sunlight, heat and frost until the soil is filled in or the protective and wear layer

is applied.

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  • New construction and renovation
  • Interior and exterior walls
  • Insulation on the wet side, outside the waterproofing (inverted roof)
  • Perimeter insulation (pressing and non-pressing water)
  • Pressurized floors

Technical Information

  • Bulk density at least 30 kg/m³
  • Thermal conductivity 0.033 - 0.035 W/(m*K)
  • Specific heat capacity 0.39 Wh/(kg*K)
  • Cell content: Air
  • Delivery thicknesses: 10 - 360 mm
  • Material: Extruded polystyrene rigid foam, smooth surface, with stepped rebate on all sides from 30 mm

[...] For detailed information, see product data sheet


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