Glanzstoffstr. 1
63784 Obernburg
The Enka Solutions product range includes a variety of high-performance geosynthetics for a wide variety of requirements in building construction and civil engineering. The wide range provides efficient solutions for all challenges, e.g. in the areas of erosion control, soil reinforcement, soil consolidation and separation of different soil layers. The product range includes high-quality synthetic nonwovens, geofabrics, drainage and erosion control mats, geogrids and various composites. Our experienced application engineers will be happy to advise you on which Enka Solutions product is the optimal choice for your individual construction project.
Enka Solutions is a premium brand of Low & Bonar. The company holds a leading position worldwide in the field of high-performance materials. The company serves customers in more than 60 countries. It has production facilities in Europe, North America, the Middle East and China.
#kunststoffe #polymer #erosionsschutz #bodenbewehrung #bodenkonsolidierung #vliesstoffe #geogewebe #drainagematte #verbundstoffe