Schleißheimer Straße 25
80333 München
Cities, villages, streets, squares and houses, all the things that we as architects and urban planners are mainly concerned with, like all things that humans create, are social artifacts. They are structures that structure and influence our society on various levels as a daily living space. Consciously or unconsciously, assumptions about our coexistence always flow into the process of their conception. The starting point of our work is the awareness of the social character and responsibility of our actions. We design the spatial structures for our daily life together. The way in which this is done is the critical point that determines the usability, sustainability and identity – the spatial culture – of the houses and places we design. Everyday quality and usability are important to us. Qualities that we as architects can create can only be created through sensitivity and great care. This starts with the spatial conception, extends to energetic, ecological, social concepts and the choice of materials to detailed training. An important goal of our work is the atmosphere that houses and places radiate. Atmosphere that finds its place in people's memories and shapes their image of place and house. Places and houses where you like to live, work, live, think about and return with anticipation.
Competences: Architecture | Building in existing buildings | Public Places | Conversion | Urban Development | Urban Planning | Master Planning | Urban Development | Urban renewal